Games & VR

WhoDunit - made in Unity

This was my final year Game Design project, made with two other students. It won us the NZXR Most Ambitious Game Award in 2021. It is a VR multiplayer murder mystery inspired by the boardgame Cluedo. Due to limited time we only managed to make a basic playable prototype. It can be played by up to six players, with remaining slots being filled by AI. Players wake up the morning after a wild party with the host murdered and no recollection of the evening, and no knowledge about themselves other than a brief 'phone call' to a family member or loved one about what has happened. Through semi-procedural dialogue options players find out more about themselves and each other, but their ability to lie adds to the confusion. Players get one chance to accuse someone of the murder, hoping to win, but if they guess incorrectly they are out of the game. The long term goal is to eventually publish WhoDunit. We have ideas for lots of fun mechanics but also want to further develop the procedural dialogue and get a hold of better text to speech for characters' voices.

WhoDunit pictures

Polf - made in Unreal

Polf was a solo project, the focus of the brief was to teach the user about vectors and momentum in a fun and engaging way.

Antarctica Equipment Induction - VR project made in Unity

This was a group project mainly designed give scientists a head start ahead of their first exhibition to Antarctica an understanding of the daily Hagglund checklist. It could also be used as a refresher for returning scientists. The end result of the project was the implementation of two vital checklist points, the bonnet check and clearing ice and snow from the tracks. I was team lead on this project, managing communication with the International Antarctic Centre and HitLab NZ. I oversaw the design choices, created 3D models for the bonnet peg, the water container and the wiper fluid container and fixed issues with the Hagglund model we acquired through the School of Product Design as well as writing most of the final report.

Bandsaw Safety Induction - VR project made in Unity

This was a group project designed to refresh students that had already been through the induction for the woodworkshop in the School of Product Design how to correctly use the bandsaw. The end result of the project was the full implementation of all the steps involved with operating the bandsaw. I organized the team's correspodence with the head technician of the School of Product Design to collect images and sound from the woodworkshop. I edited the audio we collected and worked with the rest of the team to design the experience.